Not thinking that there would be any interest in Dividends4Life, early on I didn't display the standard AdSense ads found on virtually every site. Eventually, I added AdSense to the site and my earnings were measured in pennies per month. At that time I quipped, "this will never amount to anything more than pocket change."
As months went by, the pennies turned into dollars and I added other brands of advertising. Last month I hit a milestone - my cumulative collected earnings exceed $1,000. Now what to do with this new-found windfall?
Since Dividends4Life is an investing website, it didn't take long to decide that I would use the collected earnings to invest. Remembering my earlier quip, I decided to refer to this as my Pocket Change Portfolio (PCP).
I considered whether or not to open a Zecco account and keep the PCP totally separate. Ultimately, I decided not to add the administrative burden of a second brokerage account, but to treat the PCP as if it was in a Zecco account. That means I will charge the portfolio a $4.50 commission for each trade if the account balance is under $2,500. My plan is to purchase a stock now with the $1,000 collected and charge it a $4.50 commission. Save another $1,000, buy another stock and charge the portfolio another $4.50. Then I will save $500 and buy another stock without incurring any additional commissions. Thereafter, I will invest my monthly earnings as they are received.
In reality, I will piggyback these investments along with my normal monthly investments, thus not generating any additional commissions. I will provide periodic updates along with a page detailing my current holdings, including shares and market value.
I think this will be fun and an interesting exercise in watching a small acorn grow into an oak tree. If nothing else it will show the power in saving small amounts each month.
Next week I will provide my first update along what stock I purchased in September.