This is premium content and requires a username and password to access. If you have not yet subscribed, please see the Overview and Subscribe page for more information. Subscribers may access the forums by clicking the red picture above. Please note the following:
The username/password I sent you is what is needed to get access to the "secured zone" of the server to download, Dashboards, Newsletters, etc. and to provide access to area where the Forums are located. However, it is NOT the username/password needed to log into the forums.
You will need to create your own username and password for the forums. This is very easy to do. Just follow these steps:
1. Go to Forum by pressing [CTRL] and clicking on the red picture above.
(By pressing [CTRL] this will open the forum in a separate window/tab)
2. On the top-right side below the search box you will see "FAQ, Register, Login"
3. Click Register
4. Read and agree to the terms
5. Enter your desired username (I would NOT use a full email address)
6. Enter your email address
7. Confirm your email address
8. Enter your desired password
9. Confirm your desired password.
10. Write down username/password and click [Submit]
11. Return to the Board index.
12. Select Login from the top-right and login; you are now in and free to post.