Webopedia defines Easter Egg as such:
A secret message or screen buried in an application. Typically, Easter eggs are used to display the credits for the development team or to display a humorous message. To see an Easter egg, you need to know a special procedure or sequence of keystrokes.
Easter eggs in computer games are quite common and may be funny scenes, hidden levels, or other extras gamers might discover while playing.
Since December, each time you have gone to the Dividends4life site, an Easter Egg has been staring at you. Have you seen it? Here are some hints:
- It is a clickable link, not a keystroke
- Go to http://dividends4life.blogspot.com/
- Maximize the screen
- The Easter egg is now fully visible. Can you see it?
- You don't have to scroll or go anywhere else to see it
- Once you see it, it will be a "Oh, yeah, I never really noticed that..." moment
- D4L at Dividends4Life (http://dividends4life.blogspot.com/)
Happy Easter!
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