Description | Nov-2008 | Year-To-Date | Life-To-Date |
Beg. Portfolio Value | 2,246.47 | - | - |
Online Cash Receipts | 515.44 | 2,870.81 | 2,870.81 |
Online Expenses | - | (20.00) | (20.00) |
Gross Profit | 515.44 | 2,850.81 | 2,850.81 |
Dividend Income | - | - | - |
Interest Income | 0.81 | 4.41 | 4.41 |
Subtotal | 516.25 | 2,855.22 | 2,855.22 |
Gain/(Loss) | 2.66 | (89.84) | (89.84) |
Ending Portfolio Value | 2,765.38 | 2,765.38 | 2,765.38 |
Portfolio Returns | 0.1% | (4.9%) | (4.9%) |
During the month of November I purchased
22 shares of KO at $46.27/share and charged the portfolio a commission of $4.50. The KO stock will provide me $33.44 in annual income, bringing the PCP's total annual dividend income to $100.64. Now that the portfolio has exceed $2,500, it is eligible for 10 free trades a month.
With over $700 in cash, this will allow me to purchase my third stock in the PCP during the month of January. It is my goal to have sufficient earnings to purchase a stock at least once a quarter.
My PCP holdings are always available by selecting the Holdings option from the menu in the header. The next PCP update will be in early January.