
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

* Need More Dividend Stock News?

For those that just can't get enough dividend stock news, I have just the fix for you! In January 2009 when I moved my flagship dividend site to Dividends Value, I was left with the question of what to do with my old site Dividends4Life. I thought eventually it would dry up and go away, but several hundred readers refused to leave, so I continued to post on Dividend4Life much of the same content that was found here. That really wasn't really adding much value.

I am an ravenous reader consuming a significant number of dividend articles each day. Many I include in my weekly links article each Sunday. I don't necessarily agree with everything written, but the articles are often thought provoking. A couple of weeks ago I started experimenting with posting a small excerpt from some of the more interesting articles on Dividends4Life along with a link to the full article. So far, this new format has been well received.

I invite you to check out Dividends4Life's new format at:

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All the above options are FREE of charge. Please let me know what you think of Dividends4Life's new format.
(Photo Credit)