My goals were originally defined in this December 1, 2007 Investing Goals post and last updated in my 2011 Investing Goals. Like last year, I will greatly exceed my 2011 goal of $15,500 in annualized dividend income. Looking at my long-rang goals, I am still on track to reach my 2017 goal of $30,000 and based on my latest model, I could reach it as early as 2014. The 2027 goal of $110,000 is not as clear. Given the increased prices and lower yields of new investments, my model continues to indicate this will be difficult to make.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
6 Stocks With A Vision Of Higher Dividends
A vision is taking the time to contemplate and anticipate, in detail, what the future will bring. A financial vision needs to consider future earnings, savings and economic issues such as inflation. Then based on your vision, you formulate an action plan to ensure the best possible outcome given your unique circumstances. You can’t have a retirement plan until you have a retirement vision. It would seem to me that there are a lot or retirement plans out there but very few retirement visions.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Are Storm Clouds Gathering For These 7 High-Yielding Dividend Stocks?
Everyone wants to earn more. For investors in dividend growth stocks, the quick way to earn more is to select dividend stocks with higher yields. Swap those 2-4% yields in for stocks earning 7-10%, or more. Before doing making the trade, you should ask yourself the following two questions:
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Cincinnati Financial Corp. (CINF) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Cincinnati Financial Corp. (CINF). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Cincinnati Financial Corp. is an insurance holding company that primarily markets property and casualty coverage. It also conducts life insurance and asset management operations.
Company Description: Cincinnati Financial Corp. is an insurance holding company that primarily markets property and casualty coverage. It also conducts life insurance and asset management operations.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Bonds Look Morbid When Compared To These Dividend Stocks
Even hibernating bears know that bonds have essentially been dead money over the last year, or so. Interest rates are ridiculously low and not likely to improve any time soon given the anemic U.S. economy and European financial concerns. What's done is done, so what should we expect to earn from bonds in the future? Consider these two scenarios:
Monday, December 26, 2011
Procter & Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net December 19, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Procter & Gamble (PG). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: The Procter & Gamble Company is a leading consumer products company the markets household and personal care products in more than 180 countries.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Procter & Gamble (PG). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: The Procter & Gamble Company is a leading consumer products company the markets household and personal care products in more than 180 countries.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Weekly Links: December 24, 2011
Each weekend I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Friday, December 23, 2011
5 Stocks Raising Dividends and Expectations
I am not a stock trader; I am a dividend and value based long-term buy-and-hold investor. When I add a stock to my dividend portfolio, it is my intention to hold the stock forever. I am not smart enough to time the daily gyrations of the stock market.
When stock prices start dropping, our primal instinct of flight kicks in and we want to sell. In many cases that is the time to be buying. However, sometimes selling a stock is the right thing to do. In determining when to sell a dividend stock, I have one hard and fast rule: When an individual stock held as a dividend investment lowers its dividend, immediately sell it.
When stock prices start dropping, our primal instinct of flight kicks in and we want to sell. In many cases that is the time to be buying. However, sometimes selling a stock is the right thing to do. In determining when to sell a dividend stock, I have one hard and fast rule: When an individual stock held as a dividend investment lowers its dividend, immediately sell it.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
7 Higher-Yielding, Low Debt Stocks With A Tiny Payout Ratio
All income investors love a stock with a good yield. The smart ones look for dividends that are sustainable and likely to grow. The question is, 'In an uncertain world, how do you determine which dividends are sustainable and likely to grow?'
Of coarse, there is no way to know with exact certainty which dividends are sustainable, but there are tell-tale signs that often foretell the future. Let's look at a couple of them.
Of coarse, there is no way to know with exact certainty which dividends are sustainable, but there are tell-tale signs that often foretell the future. Let's look at a couple of them.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Clorox Company (CLX) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of The Clorox Company (CLX). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: The Clorox Company is a diversified producer of household cleaning, grocery and specialty food products is also a leading producer of natural personal care products.
Company Description: The Clorox Company is a diversified producer of household cleaning, grocery and specialty food products is also a leading producer of natural personal care products.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The 2012 Dividend Aristocrats
The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats is the most recognized list of dividend stocks. The Dividend Aristocrats index is designed to measure the performance of S&P 500 constituents that have followed a policy of consistently increasing dividends every year for at least 25 consecutive years. This index is a member of the S&P Dividend Aristocrats index series.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net December 12, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Automatic Data Processing Inc. (AAP). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Automatic Data Processing Inc. is one of the world's largest independent computing services companies, providing a broad range of data processing services.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Automatic Data Processing Inc. (AAP). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Automatic Data Processing Inc. is one of the world's largest independent computing services companies, providing a broad range of data processing services.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Weekly Links: December 18, 2011
Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Saturday, December 17, 2011
November 2011 Pocket Change Portfolio Performance
The Pocket Change Portfolio (PCP) was first introduced on September 13, 2008 as a real money dividend income portfolio funded by the "pocket change" earned from my various online endeavors. Each month I report on the portfolio's progress and update its holdings.
Friday, December 16, 2011
20 Stocks Not Missing Their Opportunity To Raise Dividends
At some point in the future will we look back at our actions today and refer to them as our greatest missed opportunity? A successful dividend growth strategy takes time. Unfortunately, many income investors don't have the luxury of time on their side and must focus on high-yield investments to meet current expenses. These high-yield investments are often accompanied by high-risk. For those with time, a solid long-term strategy focusing on quality stocks that grow their dividends will treat them well in their retirement years.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
7 High-Yielding Mega-Cap Stocks
There is perceived safety in size. Giant corporations aren't randomly grown. Instead, they are carefully built through superior management and foresight. Often these are more mature companies that also offer stability and predictability, usually at the expense of dynamic growth. These are your mega-cap stocks.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Stryker Corp. (SYK) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Stryker Corp (SYK). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Stryker Corp. makes specialty surgical and medical products such as orthopedic implants, endoscopic items and hospital beds.
Company Description: Stryker Corp. makes specialty surgical and medical products such as orthopedic implants, endoscopic items and hospital beds.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Best Stocks for 2012
I love this time of year! Family gatherings, Christmas music, holiday plays, decorations, and stock picks. Stock picks? Yes, 'tis the season for stock predictions! Virtually every financial writer will pen an article selecting his or her top stock picks for the upcoming year.
I enjoy reading them and the logic behind the picks. As a long-term buy and hold investor, generally most aren't useful for me; nevertheless, I find them entertaining and sometimes there is a gem to be found. Here are some picks for 2012...
I enjoy reading them and the logic behind the picks. As a long-term buy and hold investor, generally most aren't useful for me; nevertheless, I find them entertaining and sometimes there is a gem to be found. Here are some picks for 2012...
Monday, December 12, 2011
Waste Management, Inc. (WM) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net December 5, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Waste Management, Inc. (WM). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Waste Management Inc. is a Houston-based company that is the largest U.S. trash hauling/disposal concern.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Waste Management, Inc. (WM). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Waste Management Inc. is a Houston-based company that is the largest U.S. trash hauling/disposal concern.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Weekly Links: December 11, 2011
Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Dividend Income Progress Update - November 2011
Once again it is time for a goals/progress update. I am pleased to report that annualized dividend income increased in November, extending the streak to 17 consecutive months of increases after June 2010's decline. Since I began publicly tracking annualized dividend income in November 2007, it has increased in 46 of the last 48 months.
My goals were defined in this December 1, 2007 Investing Goals post and last updated in my 2011 Investing Goals post. Below is an updated version of the table found in the original post.
My goals were defined in this December 1, 2007 Investing Goals post and last updated in my 2011 Investing Goals post. Below is an updated version of the table found in the original post.
Friday, December 9, 2011
21 Dividend Stocks Raising Their Payouts And Yields
In a down-market when many people are rushing to buy gold, I take comfort that I already have mine. No, not that kind, but something much better! A growing stream of dividend income from solid companies. While everyone else is panicked about their portfolio’s decline, I see a downturn as an incredible buying opportunity. Lower prices, rising yields and growing dividends, its hard to beat that combination.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
10 High-Yield Stocks With A Low Price To Book
When looking for value-priced stocks, the Price-To-Book (P/B) ratio is one that I like to focus on. P/B is calculated as share price divided by book value per share. Book value is most often calculated as Assets less Liabilities.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sysco Corporation (SYY) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Sysco Corporation (SYY). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Sysco Corporation is a large distributor of food and related products, primarily to the foodservice or food-away-from-home industry.
Company Description: Sysco Corporation is a large distributor of food and related products, primarily to the foodservice or food-away-from-home industry.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
4 of my 5 Largest Dividend Stock Positions Have Double-Digit Lifetime Returns
Over time stocks fall in and out of favor with the media, analysts and investors. It is too easy to fall in love with a stock only to have your heart, and brokerage account, broken. As an investor that takes a value approach to selecting the best dividend growth stocks, I tend to focus on fundamentals with a heavy dose of analysis. It may be surprising but even this approach will favor certain stocks over time.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Abbott Laboratories (ABT) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net November 28, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Abbott Laboratories (ABT). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Abbott Laboratories is a diversified life science company that is a leading maker of drugs, nutritional products, diabetes monitoring devices, and diagnostics. In mid-October 2011, Abbott announced plans to split the company.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Abbott Laboratories (ABT). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Abbott Laboratories is a diversified life science company that is a leading maker of drugs, nutritional products, diabetes monitoring devices, and diagnostics. In mid-October 2011, Abbott announced plans to split the company.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Weekly Links: December 4, 2011
Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Saturday, December 3, 2011
D4L Premium Services: Beat The January Price Increase
Since its introduction in July 2009, the D4L Premium Services has seen excellent growth in both features and subscribers. It started with the initial release of the D4L-Dashboard. Then other services were added such as Analytical Reports, D4L-Alerts, D4L-Data, D4L-Forums and the monthly D4L-Newsletter. We are constantly looking for ways to provide our subscribers with added value.
Friday, December 2, 2011
15 CEO's Showing Confidence With Increased Dividends
It is very easy for a CEO to get on a conference call and talk about confidence in the future while communicating glowing projections, but do they really believe what they are saying? Are there any actions that would make you believe what they are saying? Senior management purchasing company stock is a strong indicator of confidence in the future. Another indicator is sticking with a dividend plan, including regular increases.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
9 Low-Risk, High-Yielding Dividend Stocks
If your goal is to accumulate wealth for a comfortable retirement, then there is no risk-free path. Yield and risk tend to follow each other. As risk increases, the investor demands more yield to compensate for that risk. Sometimes it is desirable to accept higher risk for a higher yield. Other times we may be accepting higher risk and are not being adequately compensated for the additional risk.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Community Trust Bank Corp. (CTBI) High-Yield Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Community Trust Bank Corp. (CTBI). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Community Trust Bank Corp. owns and operates Community Trust Bank, Inc. of Pikeville, KY, which provides commercial banking services in Kentucky andWest Virginia; and a trust company.
Company Description: Community Trust Bank Corp. owns and operates Community Trust Bank, Inc. of Pikeville, KY, which provides commercial banking services in Kentucky andWest Virginia; and a trust company.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Best Dividend Stocks In The World Are Found Here
According to '', The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the the largest stock exchange in the world by dollar volume with over 2500 listed securities. NYSE is operated by NYSE Euronext, the holding company created by the combination of NYSE Group, Inc. and Euronext N.V.
The NYSE is closely followed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a total market capitalization of over 5 trillion USD and 2,271 domestic companies listed. Next up is the London Stock Exchange. It is the world's oldest stock exchange listing around 3000 companies.
The NYSE is closely followed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a total market capitalization of over 5 trillion USD and 2,271 domestic companies listed. Next up is the London Stock Exchange. It is the world's oldest stock exchange listing around 3000 companies.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Colgate-Palmolive (CL) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net November 21, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Colgate-Palmolive (CL). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Colgate-Palmolive Company (Colgate) is a major consumer products company that markets oral, personal and household care and pet nutrition products in more than 200 countries and territories.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Colgate-Palmolive (CL). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Colgate-Palmolive Company (Colgate) is a major consumer products company that markets oral, personal and household care and pet nutrition products in more than 200 countries and territories.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Weekly Links: November 27, 2011
Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Friday, November 25, 2011
17 Dividend Stocks Working Hard During The Holidays
As we officially head into the holiday season, many of us in the U.S. did not have to go into work today in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Though not much is happening at the office, there are still many working for me today. Not people, but my Dividend Stocks. It is great to know while I am relaxing with family and watching the big game, those stocks are hard at work providing me an additional income stream.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving 2011!
Today is Thanksgiving in U.S. This is a time that most Americans reflect on all that they have been blessed with and give thanks for it. As a dividend stock investor, there are many things to be thankful for this year, including a wonderful family friends and a country that allows me to pursue my dreams.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Bemis Company, Inc. (BMS) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Bemis Company, Inc. (BMS). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Bemis Company Inc. is a leading maker of a broad range of flexible packaging and pressure-sensitive materials.
Company Description: Bemis Company Inc. is a leading maker of a broad range of flexible packaging and pressure-sensitive materials.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Roadmap To Build Wealth With Dividend Stocks
Most investors aren't very good at investing. I suspect over their lifetimes, most investors will end up losing money in the stock market. So why do they keep coming back, and is there anything that can be done to turn the losses into gains?
The formula for success in the market is relatively simple. Buy low, sell high. So why do so many people do so poorly? It seems they are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
The formula for success in the market is relatively simple. Buy low, sell high. So why do so many people do so poorly? It seems they are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Becton, Dickinson and Co. (BDX) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net November 14, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Becton, Dickinson and Co. (BDX). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Becton, Dickinson and Co. provides a wide range of medical devices and diagnostic products used in hospitals, doctors' offices, research labs and other settings.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Becton, Dickinson and Co. (BDX). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Becton, Dickinson and Co. provides a wide range of medical devices and diagnostic products used in hospitals, doctors' offices, research labs and other settings.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Weekly Links: November 20, 2011

Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
October 2011 Pocket Change Portfolio Performance Update
The Pocket Change Portfolio (PCP) was first introduced on September 13, 2008 as a real money dividend income portfolio funded by the "pocket change" earned from my various online endeavors. Each month I report on the portfolio's progress and update its holdings.
Friday, November 18, 2011
17 Stocks Building Wealth Through Higher Dividends
Some traditionalist would say your home is your greatest wealth building asset. I would argue it is not. Others would say your income is your greatest wealth building asset. Thought there is a lot of truth to the statement, it is still not your greatest wealth building asset. So, what is your greatest wealth building asset? Everyone is born with it. Few realize its importance until they lose most of it. The asset is so priceless it can’t be bought. Your most valuable wealth building asset is time.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
11 Dividend Stocks With 50+ Years of Consecutive Increases
Commitment is a word often thrown around, but rarely backed up with actions. Salesmen are committed to your needs until you sign on the dotted line - then they are committed to next unsigned contract. A true measure of character is how committed are you to doing right when the times are hard and you are tempted to go astray? This same test can be applied to companies that pay and increase their dividends.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) Dividend Stock Analysis
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of International Business Machines Corp. (IBM). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: IBM global capabilities include information technology services, software, computer hardware equipment, fundamental research, and related financing.
Company Description: IBM global capabilities include information technology services, software, computer hardware equipment, fundamental research, and related financing.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Dividend Stocks
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(Photo: Steve Woods) |
Monday, November 14, 2011
Intel Corporation (INTC) Dividend Stock Analysis
This article originally appeared on The DIV-Net October 7, 2011.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Intel Corporation (INTC). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Intel Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of microprocessors, the central processing units of PCs, and also produces other semiconductor products.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Intel Corporation (INTC). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: Intel Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of microprocessors, the central processing units of PCs, and also produces other semiconductor products.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Weekly Links: November 13, 2011
Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Dividend Income Progress Update - October 2011
Once again it is time for a goals/progress update. I am pleased to report that annualized dividend income increased in October, extending the streak to 16 consecutive months of increases after June 2010's decline. Since I began publicly tracking annualized dividend income in November 2007, it has increased in 45 of the last 47 months.
My goals were defined in this December 1, 2007 Investing Goals post and last updated in my 2011 Investing Goals post. Below is an updated version of the table found in the original post.
My goals were defined in this December 1, 2007 Investing Goals post and last updated in my 2011 Investing Goals post. Below is an updated version of the table found in the original post.
Friday, November 11, 2011
19 Stocks Avoiding A November Freeze With Increased Dividends
For a dividend investor, there is not much worse than a stock that cuts or eliminates its dividend. Suddenly, the reason you purchased the stock no longer exists. Many dividend investors, myself included, have a hard and fast rule to immediately sell any stock held as income investment if it cuts its dividend.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
15 Dividend Stocks With A 15% Yield In 15 Years
Who wouldn't like to earn a safe 15% on their original investment? Normally double-digit returns are the fodder of con artists or associated with extraordinarily risky investments. In either of these cases, the person is usually left holding despair in one hand and an empty wallet in the other.
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